Part 1: I went to the Conclave and all I got was this lousy mark

I went to the Conclave and all I got was this lousy
We start the game at the Conclave. Our character, a Dalish Elf has been sent by their clan to spy on the proceedings since it's likely to effect everyone in Thedas regardless. Needless to say, things don't go very well. We do get to meet a few familiar faces.
I won't do a ton of talking for the first couple of updates, as there are a lot of cutscenes providing very important info. I skipped the class selection and character customization screens, they're general Bioware fare, though with more options due to being on next-gen consoles. You still have presets but there are also sliders to change things in greater detail. We're playing on normal as Hard and Nightmare only make combat tedious for the first few hours.